Thursday, 10 May 2007

In the beginning..

In the beginning Od created the blog and the settings. Now the blog was formless and empty, the words were missing, and the hand of Od was hovering over the keyboard..

Enough paraphrasing of that bestseller, and on to the actual blogging :)

Hello! I am pleased to announce the arrival of my very own blog, I'm sure people have been anxiously waiting for this momentous occasion. On the other hand, it's fully possible that I may never have a single reader, in which case, this is my diary.

I have little or no idea of what this blog will relate to, but I've a sketchy idea of what it won't be describing: my workplace, my family or my relationship with my partner. I'm sure bits and pieces will come up regarding these topics, but on the whole I will be trying to avoid concentrating on them specifically. I suppose this is where my ability to talk vaguely will be tested.

My hopes for this blog are to perhaps in the long term end up finding some blogpals - hopefully entirely random ones, perhaps maybe some old pals, who knows. I'm of the mind that you can never have too many friends - I see myself as having varied personalities within myself, all of which need their buddies..

I've added a few links to the bottom of the blog, some favourite webcomics that I hope you enjoy




Blake Dale said...

I suddenly feel like a stalker!!

don't be scared, here's how i ended up here mate: I was bored and read in our 'daily banter' email that you'd set up a blog... I followed the weblink in your myspace page, and found meself here.

Ripping off the Bible...well, you wouldn't be the first, lol. I was about to make a joke about the Bible, Koran and Torah ripping one another off, but i feel very uneasy typing that out so swiftly moving on...

erm, nope, that's all i have to say actually. Enjoy the bloging mate :-)

Odyssey said...

Heehee, I was wondering who could possibly be commenting!

I did feel a bit uneasy ripping off the Bible (and I'm an atheist!) - old habits die hard.

Well I shall yours out, now that I'm all up in this blogosphere..
