Friday, 18 May 2007

The Age of 'Tube

For a long time, I'd forgotten about this cute little video to the song Flowers, by Emilie Simon. It was quite a few years ago that I saw this (I would hazard a guess at 3 or 4 years ago?)

It's just tiny and sweet, and warms my heart a little. I had forgotten about it, until a song with similar lyrics made me think of it. Hence the title of this post, the Age of 'Tube: I would have been somewhat annoyed had I not been able to find this little song on the internet (be it Youtube or any other of the many many video hosting websites). There used to be a time, before Google (*gasp* that is hard to imagine..) or any of the less useful search engines that existed before it, when we didn't just have information immediately at our fingertips.

My life pretty much entirely revolves around the internet. I talk to my family, on Skype, I buy most of my belongings off various websites, I keep in contact with friends, organise things in my social life. My work involves a lot of internet based research. Even in my down-time, I spend a lot of it either on the internet, or using something I have purchased or downloaded from it. Most of my friends I have met through the internet, including my partner. Even the most basic things, being out of the closet, doing a PhD, working in the job I am now, these are all things that I did or found using the internet. I can't even begin to contemplate a life without it, or where my life would have been had I not used it.

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